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If you’ve landed on this page, it’s because you’re searching. You are a counselor, advisor, or teacher who works with High Achieving, Low-Income (HALI) students. You’ve got a brilliant student who applied to the US, but who has no options, because they came from a financially under-resourced or low-income background. And you’re losing sleep over this student. 

If this sounds like a student you are working with, and your student is still looking for higher education options after April 1, then we invite you to nominate that student to the Second Chance program. 

We seek students who - beyond being academic scholars, leaders, and high impact community members - are open to universities in new countries. Students who are coachable, adaptable, culturally open, hungry, adventurous, persistent, and committed to making the most of opportunities presented to them. 

If accepted into our program, your student will be eligible to receive a full scholarship (i.e. tuition and accommodation) to an excellent university program among our destination countries.

As a counselor, your part will be to provide local assistance in gathering and providing necessary documentation such as transcripts, exam results, and recommendation letters.  You will be expected to attend online meetings and provide ongoing support to your student from the months of April through June.  You will also be expected to help raise funds for indirect costs such as visa fees, flights, immunizations, and other indirect costs. 

In partnership, we will work together to help your student receive a Second Chance at higher education. 

For more information, write us at

For Counselors

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